Frequently Asked Questions

1What documents do you need from me?
Ideally, we need your plumbers report/invoice and a copy of your policy (or at least the Dec page--usually the first page). Please email them to (If there is an HOA involved, then we need: HOA CC&R’s, HOA Bylaws, HOA’s certificate of insurance). If you are without a kitchen during the process or you will have to relocate, please hold on to your meal expense receipts.
2How can I help my claim get processed as quickly as possible?
Getting us the initial documents will be the most helpful thing to do. The second thing that you can do is line up a contractor and get their estimates as soon as the water mitigation is done.
3How often should I expect to hear from you?
Hearing from us at least once a week would be normal. In the beginning there will be more back and forth and towards the end potentially a little less.
4What should I say if the insurance company contacts me?
It is not uncommon for them to try and schedule an appointment directly with you. Let them know that you have a public adjuster and that the adjuster should contact them.
5Will you also project manage the repairs to my home?
Ironside Claims will not manage your construction project. We recommend that you bring out your own contractor as soon as water mitigation is done.
6When will I get my first check?
Typically your first check comes within 1-4 weeks of the first inspection with the insurance company. When your first check arrives it is safe to deposit it. By law, in the state of California you depositing the check cannot be taken as you having accepted that check as the last offer. There is no benefit to holding on to the check.
7Why does my total settlement come in multiple checks?
Most of the time your first check will not be enough to do all the repairs. Adjusters are subjected to insurance company guidelines that have been designed to hold on to as much money upfront as possible. Insurance companies make their money by investing your premiums, so the longer they are able to hold on to your money, the more money they make in investments. Most of the time, your settlement will arrive in multiple checks.
8How and when will my vendors get paid?
Your contractor will be paid by you. Your water mitigation or abatement vendor will be paid directly by the insurance company if you signed their “direction of payment.” We strongly suggest that you sign it. It will make keeping track of your actual construction budget a lot easier.
9What should I be doing while you guys are handling my claim?
Be in contact with your contractor. Once you have an idea of the construction costs, let us know. Secondly, keep tracking your meal and housing receipts. This is something we will have you submit to the insurance company.
10What if I need to move out of my house for repairs?
Our vendors through either TPS Housing or Temporary Housing Express will assist you in getting situated. They will find houses similar to yours in your area and speak to the insurance company for you. - TPS Housing: Lisa Gilbert, (760) 687-1001, - Temporary Housing Express: Arthur Kanian, (818) 624-7057,
11How long does this whole claim process normally take?
Too long. Even with a public adjuster the process is too long because the insurance companies typically move too slow for anyone’s comfort. We want to be upfront about that expectation. While the insurance company is slow, it is our commitment to you that the ball will not stay long in our court. As soon as there is an action we are able to take, we will take it.
12What is a surety bond?
A public adjuster surety bond is a requirement for public adjusters to obtain in some states, providing financial protection for clients in case the adjuster fails to fulfill their duties.